Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
new friends
Monday, March 15, 2010
julia's 8th birthday

this post is long overdue.....have been busy with so much pictures to edit...well here are some of julia's 8th birthday last jan 21, 2010. we brought some food at the pool area so that the dlsz swim can celebrate with julia. it was a fun night the kids had a great time with julia's meals...well thanks for wit that she was on leave to prepare all the food.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Mommy's surprise 67th birthday party

here is a video flashback that we presented during our Mother's 67th birtday party held at burgos compound merville park paranaque. it was a nice evening with clear skies and no rain and to when mommy arrived around 7:30pm with my sister Dot, my mom was welcomed by my dad with lights out and all the kids were just holding candles to light the way to the garden where the party was held. many thanks to all our family relatives, company employees and friends for coming over to surprise my mom on her special day.
actually, this is her only birthday party. she does not celebrate her birthday on a big scale like this one. the normal party for her is that she will be cooking her favorite meals and invite us all family members only for dinner or if not cooking just inviting us to eat in one of her favorite chinese restaurants.