here are some takes of a party of one of julia's classmate at grade 2 at alabang country club....both girls went to the party and enjoyed it very much.

taken about 2 months ago while the girls are horsing around the house with their mom's throw pillows.

here is julia joining the procession of our parish fiesta last may.....she really is very active with the church choir.

this was easter sunday 09 at pampanga...we were getting ready for our way home in manila when jana tripped on her towel after taking the shower and fell off the stairs all the way down from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. she was badly bruised on her left eye and her teeth was mis aligned due to the fall...also had bukol on her head....poor jana she was bleeding on the way to the emergency but good thing nothing serious happened to her.....brave little girl when she was at the emergency...mommy was so worried sick and panic well normal for her mommy to be nervous when she saw jana fell off the stairs and she could not do anything to stop her fall
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